Okay, so for centuries, Google has had complete dominance when it comes to local search, and that’s thanks to their Google Business Profile feature (maybe “centuries” is dramatic, but let’s get real, can any of us recall a time before Google?). 

But, alas, Google is now facing some real competition with Apple’s new and improved (and free) Apple Business Connect, affectionately referred to as ABC.

ABC is the latest installment of Apple’s evolving business-claiming function (formerly called Apple Places and, before that, Apple Maps Connect). 

And while Google and Apple may be going toe to toe in the fight to be the number one place for users to find local businesses, this new development does nothing but help you improve your online presence, which gets all those new patients through your clinic doors. That is, of course, if you set up your ABC listing right.

Not sure how to go about that? This is your guide to setting up your Apple Business Connect Listing for the best results. 


We’ll be going over:

  • What is Apple Business Connect all about
  • What are the benefits of ABC
  • Who needs to tap into the ABC tool
  • How to set up and optimize for Apple Business Connect
  • And more insightful information 


So, without further ado…


Apple Business Connect Apple Maps

image via apple.com

What is Apple Business Connect (ABC)

ABC is a free tool offered by Apple that allows businesses to create and manage their business listing. This helps Apple recognize said businesses and can provide its billions of users with the most accurate information regarding where to send said billions of users (such as from Apple Maps). 

And why is this a good idea?

Apple is the leader in smartphone sales, with the iPhone 13 being the best-selling mobile phone worldwide in 2022.

While they don’t currently have a search engine (defaulting to Google on their devices), they do have several other tools that are widely depended upon by millions of people hourly.


Apple tools of note include:

  • Apple Maps
  • Messages
  • Wallet
  • Siri


Imagine the possibilities if your ABC listing aligns with all of these tools under the umbrella of Apple– the streamlined ease is what dreams are made of. 


Here’s what Apple had to say:

“We created Business Connect to provide Apple users around the world with the most accurate information for places to eat, shop, travel, and more,” said Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Services. “Apple Business Connect gives every business owner the tools they need to connect with customers more directly, and take more control over the way billions of people see and engage with their products and services every day.”


Well, that sounds great to us. 


Some of the features and the ins and outs of Business Connect include:

  • Your listing is not called a profile; it’s called a place card  (hit the link to set it up)
  • Once your place card has been verified, it will be accessible in ABC, where you can make edits and optimizations at your will
  • Edits are made on the backend in a very easy-to-use dashboard (see image below)
Apple Business Connect

image from apple.com

  • You can add your business name, address, number, website, hours of operation, images, logos, an “about” section, and more 
  • You’ll love the “Showcases” feature that’s similar to GBP’s “Posts.” Here, you can add offers, specials, incentives, etc. 
  • The “Insights” feature offers insight into data on the performance of calls, clicks, directions, messaging, and scheduling 
  • You can manage your information from the Apple Maps place card, such as adding new images, adding CTAs (calls to action), offering promotions, updating your logo or business description, etc. 
  • If you have more than one physical location, no problem, you can have multiple ABC locations
  • And if you have uber large-scale locations, don’t worry; the task isn’t daunting due to Apple Business Connect API, which helps ensure your place cards are up-to-date and provide accurate information


Apple Business Connect Ecosystem

image via apple.com

The Many Benefits of Apple Business Connect

Besides reaching Apple’s billions with ease (have we mentioned they have billions of users?) and being privy to valuable data regarding your users, an optimized ABC offers many other benefits. 


And, yes, the benefits are very similar (if not exactly the same) to optimizing your chiropractic clinic on Google Business Profile and Bing Places


Benefits of Business Connect:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)– the more places you are, the more people you reach, the better it is for your SEO campaign 
  • Local SEO– a vital component of your overall SEO strategy is your local SEO which has to do with getting visitors to your physical location by making it easy for the locals to find you
  • Easier engagement with your users
  • A show of authenticity and trustworthiness; if you don’t look reputable, you won’t get patients 
  • Further reach (think in the billions)


Does My Chiropractic Clinic Need an Apple Business Connect Listing?

Well, did you see the benefits we mentioned above?

Those all point to yes, siree, Bob.

You need to create your clinic’s ABC place card and get it verified. 


If the reasons listed above aren’t enough for you, consider these:

  • Apple users are more likely to use Apple Maps than Google Maps
  • iPhones and iPads default to Apple Maps, not Google Maps
  • Siri’s responses are supplied by Apple Maps


How do you feel now? Worth the ABC setup? Agreed! So, after your place card is verified, you’ll want to optimize it.  


Apple Business Connect Apple

image via apple.com

Optimizing Your ABC Place Card

Setting up your place card is easy (there’s the link again).

You’ll need your Apple ID (if you don’t have one, here you go); then, you’ll be asked some basic questions to get started. 

After you’ve finished, look up your business on the search setting to ensure it’s there, and the information you added is in correctly. 

Now, we optimize.


Much like optimizing for GBP and Bing Places, there are some optimization rules to follow:

  • Keywords- these are the words your users are using to find you, so add them to all the places that make sense (and sound natural) 
  • Be detailed in your descriptions
  • Add your services and products 
  • Ensure you update at needed (changes to hours, etc.)
  • Add good images (better if they’re not stock, but feel free to include stock images until you get your own
  • Offer an image of the outside of your clinic to help patients find you easier
  • Yelp reviews are featured on ABC, so get some (make it easy for your patients to do this through providing links, asking specific questions, sending out emails, etc.)
  • Be sure you’re optimized for voice search so Siri understands (think long-tail keyword- closer to full sentence and more specific) 


And, there you have it. 


Apple Business Connect for Your Chiropractic Clinic

The big takeaway is that Apple Maps should not be ignored. Too many people use it and that number is growing, so optimize for it and help those people find you. Creating your ABC place card offers many benefits and not a single downside for your business. 

Take note that Apple is making advances when it comes to its selection of tools. Jump in now with both feet because you don’t want to be left behind.

If you need help with your SEO strategy, book a discovery call with Propel Marketing & Design, we’d love to hear from you.