Website videos and SEO pack a big punch, helping your visitors understand who you are, what you do, and how you do it as you rank higher on the search engines. But did you know there are right ways to add videos to your site and wrong ways? 

In this episode, we’re talking about the best ways to incorporate videos on your clinic’s website, covering:

  • How video helps your website SEO (search engine optimization) 
  • 10 ways to use videos on your website to improve website user experience and gain more patients 
  • Examples of how and where to use short videos or long videos 
  • Video blunders, some common mishaps when it comes to using videos on clinic websites
  • And more

Get ready to use website videos the right way and convert those video views into new patients!

This episode provides examples for healthcare organizations such as chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, and other clinic owners.

Listen to the podcast episode:

Local SEO for Clinics: How to Use Video on Your Clinic Website to Gain More Patients

Avoiding Common Video Blunders

Before we discuss the best SEO-friendly ways to incorporate videos on your website, let's address two of the most common pitfalls clinic owners adhere to.  

Do Not Load Videos Directly on the Website

One major blunder is directly loading videos onto your website. This typically leads to sluggish performance, a poor user experience, user bounce rates (when visitors leave the page without taking the action you’d like them to), and other missed SEO opportunities. 

The most accessible and effective approach to creating website videos is to host them on YouTube and then embed them on your clinic’s site. This ensures optimal video performance and aligns with Google's preference for content hosted on its platform.

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Do Not Have Website Videos Set to Autoplay

While it might seem enticing to have videos start playing automatically, this can be disruptive and off-putting for users, particularly if they’re in a professional setting. Always give users the choice to play the video, ensuring a seamless and respectful browsing experience.

Strategic Ways to Utilize Video on Your Website

Now that you know what not to do, let’s discuss the optimal ways to incorporate videos on your clinic’s site. 

Create a General Introduction Video

Craft a compelling introduction or "meet the people behind the clinic" video for your Homepage or About Page to give visitors a glimpse into your clinic's ethos, staff, and services.

Create a Video Library

Organize your videos into playlists on YouTube and embed them strategically on your website, grouping related content for easy navigation.

Showcase Specific Services & Techniques

Highlight specialized services like dry needling or acupuncture with dedicated videos on relevant pages, accompanied by informative text for context.

Transform Single Video into SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

Use video transcripts and key elements to create detailed blog posts that enhance your website's SEO while providing valuable content to visitors.

Combine Multiple Videos into Blog Posts

Consolidating related videos into a single informative content piece can create comprehensive blog posts that offer in-depth insights and practical tips.

Feature Testimonials

Share client testimonials through videos, placing them strategically on relevant service or condition pages to build credibility and trust.

Use Videos as Lead Magnets

Offer video series or tutorials as incentives for email sign-ups, providing helpful and unique content while promoting your clinic's expertise and services.

Interview Team Members

Humanize your clinic by showcasing individual team members through video interviews, fostering connections with prospective patients.

Direct Visitors to YouTube Channel

If embedding videos directly on your website isn't feasible, create a dedicated section or Resource Page linking to your YouTube channel, ensuring easy access to your video content.

Leverage Promotional Content or Other People’s Content

Incorporate promotional videos provided by partners or suppliers to enrich your website's offerings and showcase complementary services or products.

It’s Time to Start Making Your Clinic’s Website Videos

Incorporating videos into your clinic's website is not just a trend—it's a strategic imperative in today's digital landscape. 

By following best practices such as hosting videos on YouTube, providing context through text, and offering diverse content formats, you can unlock the full potential of video to enhance your online presence, engage your audience, and drive growth for your clinic. 

So, what are you waiting for? Start harnessing the power of video and propel your practice to new heights today!

If you have any questions or insights to share, we'd love to hear from you. Follow us on Instagram @propelyourcompany to join the conversation. 

Book your free discovery call today!

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Watch: How to Use Video on Your Clinic Website to Gain More Patients

Boost Your Healthcare Practice's Website Presence: Master Video SEO & Engage More Patients  – Podcast Transcript

Hello, and welcome to this episode of the Propel Your Practice Podcast. I'm your host, Darcy Sullivan, with Propel Marketing & Design. Today, we're talking about the right ways to incorporate videos into your website. 

We're going to go over how video helps your website SEO (search engine optimization) and your overall online presence. 

We'll talk about 10 ways you can use video on your website. I'm going to give you examples of how and where to use the short videos and long videos. We'll also go over some video blunders–these are common mishaps we see when it comes to clinic owners using videos on their websites. 

The examples that are going to be given in this episode are for healthcare organizations like chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, and other clinic owners. If you are a clinic owner, I think you're going to find true value in this. 

If you're not a clinic owner. Keep on listening. I really think you'll also find some insight. In fact, over the past few weeks, I've had five people write in asking about the questions that I've included in this episode. What I've tried to do is group all of the questions together into one episode. 

Which reminds me, if you have any questions about SEO, content marketing, or how to improve your website, be sure to send them in via Instagram. You can find us at @propelyourcompany

So let's start with the understanding of how adding video to your website can help your SEO and the right way to go about doing it. 

First of all, adding video to your website can help you with search engine optimization and search engine visibility. Google loves video. So you should, too. 

Search engines love it when you include high-value videos on your website. Video content can be a powerhouse for improving your website's SEO. One of the main reasons for this is that it increases your search engine visibility. Again, Google, as well as other search engines, love video and place a high value on video content, and they are more likely to show it in search results. 

Video benefits SEO both directly and indirectly. Think about this: Google owns YouTube. Don't you think that Google wants to showcase content on YouTube? Yes, it does. So we'll be talking about, in a couple minutes, why there is such power in uploading your videos to YouTube and then showcasing them on your website. 

So this means that not only your video content itself will be prioritized in the search engines like Google, but it will also positively impact the elements on your website. 

Because again, remember, YouTube is owned by Google. So, of course, Google would be more likely to provide search engine result pages that point back to its own video hosting platform. 

So we always want to upload the video to YouTube first. Then, we embed the video from YouTube onto the website to increase visibility. 

A couple of big bloopers that we see here when it comes to loading that video: Is people loading the video directly to their websites. What this is going to do is one, slow down your website dramatically, but it's also giving you the missed opportunity of loading it to YouTube. 

So, what we want to do is load it to YouTube and then embed it on our website. 

Now. we're not going to be able to go into detail on this episode about how to optimize videos for SEO on YouTube. We'll save that for another episode. But because I don't want to leave you hanging, be sure to check out the Show Notes for this episode, where I will include a link to grab our YouTube SEO guide. 

So, again, be sure to check out the Show Notes for that resource. But, again, when you load the video to YouTube, you want to follow best SEO practices, and you can grab that guide to guide you along. 

But we want to make sure that we're naming it properly, that we're giving it a description. And doing these basic steps when starting from scratch. 

And optimizing the video is going to give you a better online position. 

So, the approach not only ensures optimal video performance but it also allows you to organize your videos effectively. And you can do this by grouping them into playlists on YouTube. And this will help you guide your viewers through curated video experiences. 

Now, keep listening because later on, we're going to talk about the power of these playlists and why they're so important. 

So another element of why and how videos on your website help with SEO is they create a better user experience. User experience is the experience that your user, your website user, has when they come to your website. 

One way it does this is if you have amazing videos. When people go to your website, and they push play on that video, they're going to spend more time on your website. We call this dwell time. How long somebody dwells or stays on your website is a direct indicator to Google–and those other search engines–that you are, in fact, an authority figure and that your website provides content that people love.

Therefore, Google and the other search engines will be more likely to serve up your website when people are searching for related keyword terms. 

Now, it also helps create that know, like, and trust factor. Plus, it's easy to use, right? We have such short attention spans these days, and being able to press play is one easy way for people to get to know your content. 

So, let's go over a couple of the dos and don'ts. We already talked about being sure to embed your video from YouTube, not load it directly to your website. 

We want to make sure that you don't have autoplay on. And think about this: What if I am sitting at a cubicle and I am going to a chiropractor's website because I need to book an appointment, or I'm searching for a chiropractor near me? And I see a video, but it's on autoplay, and all of a sudden, you hear the music or the people talking, and you're not even supposed to be searching outside of work-related items. Right? 

So we do not want to have autoplay on. 

We also want to be sure that we have taken into consideration our target audience. Meaning, in the example I just gave, let's just say you're a chiropractor. And that, for the most part, when people come to see you for the first time, they have back pain, neck pain, headaches. 

Okay. Let's talk about headaches for a minute; if somebody is coming to your website and they have a headache, we do not want to make that headache worse. I've many a time seen clinic websites where they're showcasing videos in the hero section on their homepage. And there's all this fast, crazy movement and all of a sudden, if you have a headache, you just made it worse. 

If your goal is to make somebody feel better, you don't want to make them feel worse by seeing crazy video playing on your website. So keep that in mind. And like I said, we're going to go over some specific ways you can use website in, or you can use video on your website, but we do also want to keep in mind ways that you should not. 

Okay. Are you ready? Let's dive in. 

The first example is to create a general introduction or a meet-the-company video. This type of video can go on your homepage or on your About Page. It could also go on what I would call a General Services Page. 

Now, when we talk about using video on your website, I'm going to give you these examples, but keep in mind, you can take one video and use it in multiple locations. 

In the example that I just gave, again, it might make sense for a company or an introduction video to be in more locations than just on one page, but in general, your introduction or your meet-the-company video usually ends up on your Homepage or on your About Page. 

As I mentioned before, typically, I do not suggest that you put it in the hero section of your Homepage. That's on the top of your homepage. What we call “above the fold.” I would move that video down below that section. 

Again, that gives you the opportunity–as soon as somebody lands on your website–so they see the text before they push play and know that they're in the right place and that your offering matches what they're searching for. 

Now. Number two, the second way–I've got a couple different ways that you can incorporate this–and this is to create a video library. 

Now, what we don't want to do with this is go overboard and put 40 videos on one page. That's too much. 

So a couple examples that you could do for this: remember what we talked about earlier, where you had created a playlist on your YouTube channel? What you could then do is group your videos. So let's go to that example of a chiropractor; maybe you have a playlist about stretches for back pain. Maybe you have a playlist about stretches for your neck. Maybe have a playlist about stretches before running. 

And what you could do is take one of those key videos and mention that it's in the video series and then just include links to the other videos. So you would only really embed one video per series. 

Or, what we've done before is we've taken some of the most popular videos and embedded those. And then, for other videos, just included links directly to the YouTube videos. 

Again, this is just another way that you can incorporate video on your website. 

Next step, example three, you could showcase a specific service or technique. And this would go on that specific service or technique page. For example, let's say you wanted to showcase dry needling, then that would make sense to go on your specific Dry Needling Page. 

Now, what's important to note is that, as much as we love video, you can't assume that somebody is going to push play. 

And I'll give the example: I was interviewed on an animal chiropractic podcast, and we were talking about some specific procedures and how, um, someone had made a video for making sure that the vet had provided the right paperwork for somebody to be able to visit. The animal chiropractor and the assumption by the chiropractor was that they made this amazing video. So people would just push play and watch it. 

But. People aren't always going to take that action. So we do want to make sure that we include text around specific videos to give them context so that people know what they include. 

So we wouldn't just have a page on your website that just has a video. There's no specific value add for that, and it's going to be really hard for Google to rank that specific page. 

So, in the example that we gave about a specific service or technique, let's say dry needling. For a chiropractor, you would still have information about what dry needling is in the text, what it cures or what you use it–what pains you use it to relieve, and more details about it. You wouldn't just embed that video. 

One thing that I also want to mention is that we want to keep in mind that a lot of people will be viewing the videos on their phones. Sometimes, when you embed a video from YouTube, the formatting might not look correct. So you want to make sure that before you push “Publish’ on a page or a blog post that includes a video, that you look at it on multiple devices, including your phone, to make sure that it displays properly. 

If you're using WordPress, sometimes you might need to add in another plugin to help format the video to make sure that it does display correctly on your phone. 

Okay, next step, I love this one. Actually, I love this one so much that we did a free training a while back. It was a limited-time training that, if you signed up, you got to watch it. And then we included it as a bonus in our Ready. Set. Rank! Program, and that is to take one video and to turn it into a blog post. 

And there's a specific format that we kind of walk through with that, where you're pulling key elements out. And you're giving information and, again, context around the video. And then including the transcript below it. 

This process has worked really well for a lot of clinic owners that I know. And again, if you're a member of our DIY program, Ready. Set. Rank!, you'll find that under the blogging section. It's called How to Turn a Simple Video Into an SEO-Friendly Blog Post. 

And if you are not a member of that program and you're interested in learning more, you can visit and look for Ready. Set. Rank! or send in any questions you have about that. 

But in that process, what we're doing is we're taking one single video, and we're not just plopping it into a blog post, we're including content around it to create a really amazing blog post that, again, also includes your video. 

Okay, number five is a spinoff of the last one. And that's to combine multiple videos into one single blog post. And that free training that I mentioned and the, or that bonus training, I guess you would call it now, that I mentioned in the last one, we also went through this process. 

So if you do have access to that video, we talk about how to do this, but it's to combine multiple videos into one blog post. And for this, I would suggest maybe three to four videos. Really, no more than five. 

And an example of this might be, three stretches for fill-in-the-blank. Right. So then maybe you've got a stretch for each one. Three stretches to perfect. Three stretches to prepare for the best run of your life. and then in this, you would do an introduction. You would, again, have content,  context around the videos and this example; you don't need to include a transcript because, hopefully, you're going into enough detail that you're really creating a robust blog post that has enough text on it. 

And again, it's highlighting those three videos. So, in this example, you would do an introduction, and then you would be like number one, and you would embed that video, give some description with it. Number two, embed that video description. Three, embed that video description. And then do a conclusion with a call to action. 

We did, really one of my favorite podcasts, because I think it's really important, is the podcast episode–and I don't remember the number, but I'll include it in the Show Notes–was the Anatomy of an SEO-Friendly Blog Post, or it was called something similar to that. Again, we'll include that in the Show Notes. But that's a really great resource if you're looking to do a multiple-video blog post; check that one out. 

Or, the example before of this single blog post, it still gives you a great format for how to put together a blog post like that. 

Okay. Number six. Testimonials. We love testimonials. Now, I usually suggest that you don't just create a Testimonials Page and plop out your testimonials on there. Again, context is key, my friend. 

So with testimonials, consider what the testimonial is about and then put it on the proper page. 

So if it's a testimonial about a specific service, it should go on that specific services page. If it's a testimonial about a specific condition, it should go on that specific condition page. 

Okay. Next step, number seven. This one isn't necessarily SEO-friendly, but I think you'll like it. You ready? Use videos as a lead magnet. 

In this example, maybe somebody goes to your website, and they sign up for a series. Right. It could be about, again, let's go back to that running example, maybe you're in an area where people are preparing for a marathon, and do you want to send them a series of emails that include links to videos all about preparing for the marathon in a way that's going to help them?

Uh, make sure that they stretch properly and that they're prepared. In a way that also highlights the services that you offer. So, what you could do when they sign up for this email series is you send them a series of videos. 

So again, this is including video; one way to integrate video on your website, but you don't necessarily even need to have the videos embedded on your website and those big links that you sent in an email blast. You could just send them to your–directly to your YouTube page, depending on how much tech support you have; again, you could embed those on your website and send them there. 

Also, the same thing could be done if you hosted a webinar and you wanted to capture leads on demand for the webinar. 

Okay. Next up. You could interview a team member. This would be great for the About Page, is to have little video interviews for specific individuals that you wanted highlighted on your website. 

If you feel like you are not ready for any of the solutions that we already suggested for ways to include video on your website, I'm going to give you two more examples. 

Okay. Here we go. First one: If you have YouTube videos, but you're not ready to embed them on your website, what you could do is, in the top menu of your website, you could have a tab or a drop-down tab under Resources that says Videos that links to your YouTube channel. 

If you decide to do this, please, please, please have it open up in a new window. Again, this isn't a perfect way because of the fact that it isn't helping with people staying on your website and watching your videos. 

But I did want to give some examples for people who aren't ready to include some of the other examples we mentioned. 

And lastly, I have a final example, and this is to leverage promotional content provided by others. And I'm going to give you two examples of this. And, again, this is like pushing the easy button, right? 

So, for example, if you're a chiropractor and you have a package with Kyra up, and there are videos that they provide that you want to embed on your website. 

Or, another example here, we'll still stick with a chiropractor; let's say you just started incorporating shockwave, and they sent you over a promotional video. You could embed that on that specific page. 

So, now, when it comes to using promotional content or content provided by others, of course, you don't want to use anything that your direct competition provides, meaning that you're not going to your direct competitor’s YouTube channel and taking one of their stretch videos or exercise videos and including it on your website. I think that's kind of obvious. 

But there you have it. And you can see how some of those videos would be short; some would be long. So you can use the short format and long format when it comes to videos. 

Some other notes before we wrap up: you can, again, use the same video in multiple locations, as long as it does add value. Make sure that your videos are not on autoplay. In most cases, we absolutely want to make sure that we provide context and that there is text around the video to help with SEO. And we want to make sure that the videos showcase correctly on mobile. If you have any questions, we'd love to hear from you; you can reach out and find us on Instagram. @propelyourcompany.

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Darcy’s SEO strategies are easy to implement and effective. She’s the #1 SEO expert I refer to whenever I need help with my rankings.


SEO queen! I can’t thank Propel and Darcy enough for holding my hand through the SEO process! I’m loving the podcast and all the insight! Also loving that my business is now getting the brand awareness and sales I’ve always wanted!


Wow! Clear, concise and impactful. Excellent details and tips - already seeing a return!! Worth the 20 min listen.



This episode of the Propel Your Practice Podcast is brought to you by Propel Marketing & Design. Propel Marketing & Design helps Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Wellness Practitioners, and other clinic owners improve their website rankings.

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