Hello, and welcome to the Propel Your Practice Podcast.
This is our very first episode!
The purpose of this short introductory podcast episode is to give you a little bit of background about the host, our company, why we're doing this podcast, who it's for, and let you in on some upcoming topics we have scheduled.
And if you can't wait till the next episode to dive in to learn more about how you can improve your company's online presence, I'll give you some additional resources in this show.
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Hello, and welcome to the Propel Your Practice podcast. This is our very first episode, and I am simply thrilled to be here with you today. My name is Darcy Sullivan, and I'm the founder of Propel Marketing and Design, where we help clinic owners improve their online presence. The purpose of this short introductory podcast episode is to give you a little bit of background about who I am, our company, why we're doing this podcast, who it's for, and let you in on some upcoming topics we have scheduled. And if you can't wait till the next episode to dive in to learn more about how you can improve your company's online presence, I'll give you some additional resources later in this show.
So, as I mentioned, I'm Darcy Sullivan with Propel Marketing & Design. I started the company back in 2011 when I left Corporate America. When I started the company, we were a general digital marketing firm. However, I always had a sweet spot in my heart for educating small business owners and entrepreneurs on how they can use the skills they already possess to improve their company's marketing efforts. Helping them identify what they should do in-house and what they should outsource because, let's face it. You simply cannot do it all yourself. Over the years, I've taught tons of workshops, spoken at conferences, had over 18,000 students in my paid marketing programs, and have been on a number of podcasts.
There's a chance you might've heard me on the Modern Chiropractic Group Marketing Podcast, the Growth Marketing Toolbox Podcast, or maybe you saw a presentation that I presented at the CSA (Chiropractic Success Academy) Conference, or maybe you just found a resource on our website or blog propelyourcompany.com.
Well, hopefully, we've had the opportunity to meet, all right, I guess you would say virtually meet these days. Welcome to my world. And I'm excited each decided to join me on this journey.
Which leads me to the questions of today's show... Does the world really need another podcast? Why are we doing this? And why should you join in this journey with me and listen? Well, over the past few years, we've seen a major shift in our audience and our clients.
Currently, our audience and clients include mainly clinic owners. This is a collection of chiropractors, acupuncturists, physical therapists, physiotherapists, and other wellness practitioners looking to improve their website rankings.
As a company, we strive to help them do just that. We do that through helping these companies with SEO, that's search engine optimization, helping them improve their website rankings on Google, and come up with content marketing plans to help them improve their overall online presence.
A few weeks ago, leading up to us, locking down our content calendar for the first quarter of 2022. I sent out a survey to our audience, asking them about which content topics they would be most interested in learning more about from us, along with what format they prefer.
A shout-out and a thank you to all of those who responded. Based on the feedback, we've decided to include this podcast. And our content marketing arsenal. And while there are so many reasons that I'm so excited to share this and get this podcast out into the digital atmosphere, one thing that I truly am thrilled about. It is something boring.
Consistency and processes. I guess that's two things. But I love the idea of it. By producing this podcast, we are able to simplify our content marketing plan.
And as we proceed along with these episodes, you'll see exactly how that's done, but this is something that I'm always talking to our clients and members of our Ready Set Rank Program about is how to simplify your content marketing process. And make sure you're optimizing at every stage of the game to help you with search engines.
So you'll be able to find this podcast wherever you traditionally like to listen to your podcast. Along with YouTube because yep. You better believe that we will be repurposing this into videos. And on our website at propelyourcompany.com. So we'll still be producing our blog posts, but you'll see that it'll be a mix of blog posts and podcasts, and the topics will correlate. So you'll be able to also get more details and downloadables, checklists, worksheets, workbooks, and more that correspond with the content that we'll be delivering through this podcast.
The upcoming episodes will be a mix of solo shows with yours truly, along with tons of interviews with other marketing experts and clinic owners. Over the next few months on this show, we'll be talking about:
SEO, that's search engine optimization (that's how to turn up tons of free website traffic)
How to improve your Google business profile. That's the new name for the Google My Business listings. And what controls the map section on Google
We'll go over simple strategies to improve your website's performance.
We'll talk about writing for the web, along with blogging
How to make the most of your video marketing efforts
Share tons of content marketing tips
I'll share with you some of my favorite marketing tools that will help you save time and money
And oh, so much more
Well, I am really excited that you've decided to come on this journey with me. If you would like to submit a topic for an upcoming show you can do so by visiting propelyourcompany.com/podcast-topics.
Well, hey, before we wrap up our time together today. I'd like to invite you to check out our website, which has a number of free resources on it, including one that I would love for you to check out. And that is a recent free training I put together on the Five SEO secrets to owning the first page of Google without buying ads.
You can sign up to join this free workshop by visiting propelyourcompany.com/learn, or you'll find the link in the show notes.
So once again, the name of that training is five SEO secrets to owning the first page at Google without buying ads, and you can find that by simply visiting propelyourcompany.com/learn, or you'll find the link in the show notes.
All right. Well, that's it for this episode. Thanks for spending your time with me today. I'll talk with you soon.
Darcy’s SEO strategies are easy to implement and effective. She’s the #1 SEO expert I refer to whenever I need help with my rankings.
- Nicholas Scalice, Growth Marketing Podcast // Growth Marketer
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