
This guide was mentioned on the Forward Thinking Chiropractic Alliance Podcast.


Chiropractor's Playbook:

How to Get More Patients from Google 

(without paying for ads)

You’ll learn:

  • How to optimize your Google Business Profile (GBP)
  • Why a good website with great on-page SEO and local SEO is important
  • The role content marketing plays on your website (and to your business)
  • How Google Analytics will help you understand your website traffic
  • And more

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We’ve worked together for years on my website.

I don’t trust anyone else to do the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on my site.

Dr. Kevin Christie

The Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show // Health-Fit Chiropractic & Sports Recovery

For years I languished on page 5 or lower on Google and had my former website company give me nothing but excuses as to why I could not get higher.

I started with Propel and in 60 days live with my new website I am now getting on page 1!

Don't wait years for Google results, Get Propel!

Allen A.



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